WorldFood Moscow 2023

The 32nd International Autumn Food Exhibition WorldFood Moscow 2023 took place from 19 to 22 September in Moscow. Companies from 39 countries presented food and beverages, equipment, packaging and logistics solutions. A rich business programme was also prepared for the participants.
The topic of alternative food products was very poorly covered.
Discussing general trends in consumer behaviour and healthy lifestyles, speakers noted that innovative trends in the food industry, including plant-based analogues of meat products, are in a precarious position due to doubts among conservative consumers in Russia. At the same time, the demand for proteins and functional products with their increased content is growing, which indicates the public's acceptance of plant proteins.
Given the public's desire to eat tasty, healthy food without serious restrictions, and the growth of the ready-to-eat food category, altfood producers face the following challenges: improving texture and flavour, increasing healthiness, increasing product availability, including through inclusion in ready-to-eat recipes.
At the WorldFood Kitchen, chefs demonstrated the ease of working with plant-based mince and its similarity to traditional ready-to-eat meat products.